
We believe that your child will flourish given the space to learn, grow, believe and achieve. 

We are here to support both parents and kids.  

Occupational Therapy 

At Kreative Advances, we focus on meeting the child where they are and creating the "just right challenge" where the child can be successful while learning and increasing their skills. We focus on a holistic approach and look at the child as a whole. 

Sensory Processing

Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Emotional Regulation 

Social Engagement 

Activities of Daily Living 

Expansion of Play 


Quality of Life 

Feeding Therapy

Does your child have a problem at mealtime? Difficulty attending to the meal? Do they have to get up and move? Are they frequently gagging or refusing to eat? We are here to take a deeper look.

Oral Motor Skills 

Picky Eating


We are happy to create matches between like-aged peers with similar goals to create social interactions and group learning.